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Nursing Student

As a former nursing student and a current registered nurse, I'd like to give back to the future nurses out there by providing you with helpful tips, tricks, and resources that have helped me through my nursing school journey! All the resources I used as a nursing (RN) student and for preparing for NCLEX are now fully updated and completed. I hope you find these helpful along your journey to becoming an RN!


During Your Nursing Program

Surviving Your RN Program - These were some free websites I referenced for more information on different nursing topics or for more practice questions as I moved forward in my nursing program.

❥  Straight A Nursing Student
❥  Nurselabs - Helpful tips on careplans and study guides

❥  Generic Drug Suffixes

❥  Pediatric Lab Values - These may have slight variations depending on the hospital system/textbook you use, but the PDF is good as a general guide.

Free Practice Med-surg Questions
❥  Campus Collusion
❥  Quizlet - Med-surg
❥  RNpedia

NCLEX Preparation Resources and Tips

Preparation Programs - These were some programs I purchased with my own money and went through after graduating from nursing school to prepare for the NCLEX RN exam.

❥ Virtual ATI NCLEX Review
❥ Kaplan's NCLEX RN Qbank

Apps - These were apps I had on my phone that I used to prep for the NCLEX exam. I would go through these different apps and do practice questions whenever I could while on the go. The most helpful one (personally) was the NCLEX RN Mastery app (link included below). I included the link to the Google Play store version of these apps, since I use an android phone. There are the iTunes Store version of these available for those of you who have an iPhone.

❥ ATI RN Mentor
❥ NCSBN Flashcards
❥ NCLEX RN Mastery


Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with the above websites or apps. They just served as resources for me in studying and passing the NCLEX.


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