I started my first week of the advanced practice provider fellowship on January 2nd. It was nice meeting all of the other fellows in the different specialties and to know that we have each other to rely on (in addition to numerous support from other staff) during the program.
Having gone through nursing school, my first job as a new graduate registered nurse, nurse practitioner school, I have learned the value of being in a cohort. Going through the program, struggling together, making it through -- it's some of the things we have in common. Mix that with each of our different personalities and life experiences, and you've got quite a unique group. Going through this fellowship program is reminiscent of my new graduate registered nurse residency albeit a different role and specialty.
The rest of the first day was spent going over the general expectation of the fellowship program: meetings we were expected to attend, policies, and et cetera. A lot of logistics. The day ended with a scavenger hunt, which allowed me to familiarize ourselves with the medical campus buildings and the hospital itself.

Day two was when some of the funner things began.
I didn't have my uniform yet, so I just wore business casual and was supposed to report to the hospital by 5:50am sharp in time for rounds. Needless to say, I was nervous and woke up extra early for the day of. I was wide awake for rounds and the rest of the day, although I really missed having all the pockets like when I wear scrubs.
I carried my clipboard and minimized on essentials. After all, day two was supposed to be observation of neurosurgery in the inpatient setting. It was great learning the workflow; a bit about some neurosurgery conditions (ACDF, anyone?); the patient discharge process (from a provider's standpoint); and what other tools I would need to succeed in the inpatient setting. My mentor even got me a pair of surgical scrubs to use for the time being, and I picked up my pager.
It was, all-in-all, a nice ease into learning the inpatient side of the ropes of being a nurse practitioner. I know the transition feels kind of strange, since I haven't done "nurse practitioner" role things ever since I graduated in June; but I am confident this year-long fellowship program will be what I need to make me successful as a future nurse practitioner in neurosurgery!
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